Adolescente é apreendida com cocaína escondida em caixinha de confeitos em Maceió durante operação da PM.

Teenager Arrested with Cocaine in Candy Box

In the early hours of Tuesday (13), a teenage girl was apprehended with a quantity of cocaine hidden in a candy box in the Ponta Grossa neighborhood of Maceió.

The information was provided by the Integrated Center for Public Security Operations (Ciosp). She claimed that the drugs belonged to her boyfriend and were handed to her to sell.

According to the report, the military police patrol was passing through Santa Margarida Street when they spotted the young girl walking with a strange bulge in her abdomen at around 1 a.m. Upon seeing the officers, the teenager reportedly increased her pace.

A female police officer conducted a personal search and found the drugs. In total, 18 small packets of cocaine were found inside the box. The police also seized R$265 in cash and a mobile phone from her.

The teenager was then taken to the Central de Flagrantes in the Pinheiro neighborhood.

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